

Grace Episcopal Church - Monroe, LA

The Vestry consists of Lay Members elected by the congregation to run the business of the church parish.

The Episcopal Church of the Redeemer

Class of 2025

Eugene Galligan

Gene Hastings

Paul Ziesel

Class of 2026 

Joe Roberts

Ryan Grigson

Geoff Eneman

Class of 2027

Priscilla Mott

Jeannie Niswanger

Adam Ryland

Get Involved!

Ministry Organizations and Groups

Here is a list of Organizations that are active at Grace Episcopal Church.  We would love for you to join as many of these as you can.  Please contact the church office if you have any questions about joining any the these groups.

Church Bell

Acolytes. Carry torches and processional cross. 

Altar Guild.  Care for the liturgical vestments and hardware.  Set up and take down for all services. Gaye Barnes, chairperson.

Children's Ministries.  Children’s chapel for pre-schoolers every Wednesday morning of the academic year.

Choir.  Choir practice is on Wednesday evenings and before the 10:15 service on Sunday.

Daughters of the King.  An order of women in The Episcopal Church who follow a rule of life and strive to know Jesus and make him known.

Episcopal Church Women.  All women of the church. Fellowship and service through the year. 

Eucharistic Visitors.   Take the eucharist to those who cannot come to church.

Eucharistic Ministers.  Assist with the administration of the sacrament.

Grace Episcopal Day School Pre-kindergarten classes for 2- to 5-year-olds.

Men's Bible Study.  Meets Friday mornings.


Readers.  Read scripture lessons and lead prayers of the people.

Ushers and Greeters.  Welcome visitors, distribute bulletins, assist with movement to communion.

Women's Bible Study.  Meets Thursday afternoons.

Youth.  Sunday school for youth is offered between services Sunday mornings.

Yellow House Nursery.  Daycare from 6 weeks to 2 years old.

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