• What is an Episcopalian?

    We believe in following the teachings of Jesus Christ, whose life, death, and resurrection saved the world.  We believe that God loves you – no exceptions.

    The Episcopal Church is a blend of Roman Catholicism and Protestantism.  Much of Episcopal theology is Protestant in nature.  Episcopal worship, spiritual practice, and church structure bears resemblance  to Catholicism.


    For more information visit: https://www.episcopalchurch.org/what-we-believe/

  • How do I become a member?

    Membership in The Episcopal Church is by baptism with water in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  Contact the church about becoming baptized.  If you have been baptized elsewhere and are interested in becoming a member at Grace Episcopal Church, ask the priest about transferring.  

    Confirmation (or reception) by a bishop is required for service on the vestry and a few other ministries.  Preparation for confirmation is provided before the bishop's annual visitation. 

  • What time do services begin?

    Sunday Services:

    8:00 am Holy Eucharist, Rite I

    10:15 am Choral Eucharist, Rite II

    Wednesday Service:

    12:10 pm Holy Eucharist in St. Mary’s Chapel

  • Is childcare available?

    Yes.  Nursery Care is provided for infants and toddlers starting at 9:00 am and continuing through the 10:15 am service in the GES PreK-3 classroom in Lowery Hall. Please ask an Usher or Greeter for directions; they will be standing outside to help guide you.

  • What services do you offer for Easter?

    Grace offers the Maundy Thursday service; The Stations of the Cross & the Good Friday Liturgy; the Great Vigil of Easter Saturday night and two Easter Sunday Eucharists, with the flowering of the Cross at the principal service.  An Easter Egg Hunt for the children is provided between Sunday services. Check our calendar for times.

  • What services do you offer for Christmas?

    Grace offers a family service at 5 p.m. Christmas Eve and a Holy Eucharist at 10 a.m. Christmas Day in the St. Mary’s Chapel.

  • What is The Book Of Common Prayer?

    The Book of Common Prayer contains guidance for worship in the Episcopal Church.  The Book of Common Prayer, most recently revised in 1979, contains our liturgies, our prayers, our theological documents, and much, much more.

  • What are the Office Hours?

    Normal office hours are 8:00-3:00 Monday - Thursday and 8:00-12:00 on Fridays.  NOTE:  Office is closed 12:00-1:00 daily for lunch.   

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