
Grace Episcopal Choir

Redeemer Choir

Our choir at Grace Episcopal Church is a group of about sixteen singers who are dedicated to quality music at our church.  Traditional anthems and occasional instrumental/vocal solos are offered during our 10:15a.m. Sunday Choral Eucharist each week.

Highlighted worship opportunities for our choir include preparing for possible Advent Lessons and Carols, Christmas Eve, Christmas Lessons and Carols, Holy Week from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday, and Evensong, which is a traditional service that started in the sixteenth century and includes choral singing of evening prayers, psalms, and canticles.

If you would like to become a part of our choir, please contact the church office.  We are always welcoming new and interested members who love to sing!

Choir practice is held each week:

Wednesdays from 6:30pm and Sundays at 9:15am

Information on the Grace Episcopal Organ:

Wicks, Op. 5540 (1975 original R.G. Capra, Inc. installation) and
R.A. Colby, Inc. console repair and rebuild (2016)

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